AdaQuest - Othrail´s Keys

Mar 18





Before the Yellow Dawn, one of the great dragons, the fearsome Mendrichor, frequently terrorised the Gemstone Shores with his deadly green emerald flames! The residents were so fearful of the creature that they were willing to part with their most precious possessions in order to appease its endless greed." "As the Dragons' Isle began to drift further away owing to Ada's Vex's impact, the citizens became more confident in facing the threat." "And so Othrail the Skyworthy, a brave and courageous warrior, ventured into the Dragon's Lair to seek revenge on Mendrichor, who took his wife and child from him years ago. In a terrifying and perilous battle, Othrail succeeded in using the dragon's own greed to trick him into demise." "Othrail used the dragon´s husk to build a vault large enough to lock away the enormous treasures that were hoarded over the decades. To unlock the levels of this strange structure, the adventurer created mysterious keys, also known as Othrail's Keys." ------ Secure your key and get access to --> Benefits of owning Othrail's keys: - Depending on the rarity, you will be awarded a unique title within the game. - A specific badge for your player profile - Access to certain chambers - and treasures - inside Othrail Vault - Private Discord channel, exclusive role + icon - NFT Staking on VyFinance - Gain Quest Tokens for staking! ------ Quest Token are used for: - 20% discount on ALL of our NFTs - Access to the Goblinverse (Player Housing) - Interior & cosmetic items - Special titles & badges - Premium tournaments, challenges, streams, Discord channel and much more.

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March 18, 2023 5:45 AM
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AdaQuest - Othrail´s Keys
Before the Yellow Dawn, one of the great dragons, the fearsome Mendrichor, frequently terrorised the Gemstone Shores with his deadly green emerald flames! The residents were so fearful of the creature that they were willing to part with their most precious possessions in order to appease its endless greed." "As the Dragons' Isle began to drift further away owing to Ada's Vex's impact, the citizens became more confident in facing the threat." "And so Othrail the Skyworthy, a brave and courageous warrior, ventured into the Dragon's Lair to seek revenge on Mendrichor, who took his wife and child from him years ago. In a terrifying and perilous battle, Othrail succeeded in using the dragon's own greed to trick him into demise." "Othrail used the dragon´s husk to build a vault large enough to lock away the enormous treasures that were hoarded over the decades. To unlock the levels of this strange structure, the adventurer created mysterious keys, also known as Othrail's Keys." ------ Secure your key and get access to --> Benefits of owning Othrail's keys: - Depending on the rarity, you will be awarded a unique title within the game. - A specific badge for your player profile - Access to certain chambers - and treasures - inside Othrail Vault - Private Discord channel, exclusive role + icon - NFT Staking on VyFinance - Gain Quest Tokens for staking! ------ Quest Token are used for: - 20% discount on ALL of our NFTs - Access to the Goblinverse (Player Housing) - Interior & cosmetic items - Special titles & badges - Premium tournaments, challenges, streams, Discord channel and much more.
March 18, 2023 5:45 AM

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