Bitcoin Pills

Apr 13





Are You Ready To Take The Orange Pill? Bitcoin Pills are a limited collection of Ordinals Inscriptions on the Bitcoin Blockchain... They are Orange Little Pills that stand for the autonomous financial freedom that Bitcoin offers, in a time where the trust in fiat currencies and central banks is collapsing. All 2222 Bitcoin Pills are painstakingly generated from 51 categories and 372 traits, allowing some to be rarer than others. All Bitcoin Pill’s features were created by the winner of the NFT.NYC Digital NFT Artist Of The Year 2021 Award; Micha Klein. They are multi-gender, orange, white, black, diamond and golden, representing the United Colors of Bitcoin.   Bitcoin Pills are inspired by Micha’s famous Pillman character that Eminem brought on his first tour in 2000, and by his the successful NFT collection 'Crypto Pills' on the Ethereum blockchain that sold out in 11 minutes in 2021. Crypto Pills Artwork All Bitcoin Pills artwork is inscribed on chain on the Bitcoin Network forever. This secures collectors' digital assets without reliance on third party storage solutions like IPFS. Bitcoin Pills are Fine Art Collectibles, offering you a unique chance to obtain an original Micha Klein artwork. His work has firm roots in digital art history, can be seen in several international museums, and has been auctioned by Sotheby's, Christie and Phillips. When you buy a Bitcoin Pill , you’re not simply buying an avatar or a provably rare piece of art. You are gaining membership access to a club whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Crypto Pill can serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you, like discount on merch, airdrops of $PillCoin, , white list on future NFT drops by Micha Klein, and entry to raffles. About the Artist Micha Klein has been a pioneer in digital 3D animation since before Steve Jobs invested in Pixar. Blockchain technology has allowed Micha to fulfill a dream of his, bringing his legendary (Eminem’s Anger Management Tour) Pillman to the masses and to the metaverse. He has created the succesful Crypto Pills collection on Ethereum, and is now pioneering the emerging and exciting world of Ordinals Inscripitions on Bitcoin (also known as Bitcoin NFTs) with this collection of 2222 unique Bitcoin Pills. Micha Klein's digital art has been around for over 30 years and has stood the test of time. He has delivered huge projects for the likes of Disney and Coca-Cola and is dedicated to the digital art and NFT community.  How to mint a Bitcoin Pill? As short as two months ago minting Ordinals NFTs used to be a complicated process involving running your own Bitcoin node and manual order books and OTC trading. Our team has worked hard on creating an innovative solution to create a smooth user experience by using in-house tech to make automated inscriptions and mints possible at low cost avoiding 3rd party service fees. Buyers can simply fill in their receiving Ordinals wallet address, refund address (for when needed), and proceed to payment. They will receive a random Bitcoin Pill, that will be revealed in the gallery on our website, including it's rarity score. You might hit the bank and score a top 10% or a top 1% ! Secondary market will be supported on all major marketplaces and we are busy creating our own.

Digital Art
April 13, 2023 8:15 AM
Minting Price:
Bitcoin Pills
Are You Ready To Take The Orange Pill? Bitcoin Pills are a limited collection of Ordinals Inscriptions on the Bitcoin Blockchain... They are Orange Little Pills that stand for the autonomous financial freedom that Bitcoin offers, in a time where the trust in fiat currencies and central banks is collapsing. All 2222 Bitcoin Pills are painstakingly generated from 51 categories and 372 traits, allowing some to be rarer than others. All Bitcoin Pill’s features were created by the winner of the NFT.NYC Digital NFT Artist Of The Year 2021 Award; Micha Klein. They are multi-gender, orange, white, black, diamond and golden, representing the United Colors of Bitcoin.   Bitcoin Pills are inspired by Micha’s famous Pillman character that Eminem brought on his first tour in 2000, and by his the successful NFT collection 'Crypto Pills' on the Ethereum blockchain that sold out in 11 minutes in 2021. Crypto Pills Artwork All Bitcoin Pills artwork is inscribed on chain on the Bitcoin Network forever. This secures collectors' digital assets without reliance on third party storage solutions like IPFS. Bitcoin Pills are Fine Art Collectibles, offering you a unique chance to obtain an original Micha Klein artwork. His work has firm roots in digital art history, can be seen in several international museums, and has been auctioned by Sotheby's, Christie and Phillips. When you buy a Bitcoin Pill , you’re not simply buying an avatar or a provably rare piece of art. You are gaining membership access to a club whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Crypto Pill can serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you, like discount on merch, airdrops of $PillCoin, , white list on future NFT drops by Micha Klein, and entry to raffles. About the Artist Micha Klein has been a pioneer in digital 3D animation since before Steve Jobs invested in Pixar. Blockchain technology has allowed Micha to fulfill a dream of his, bringing his legendary (Eminem’s Anger Management Tour) Pillman to the masses and to the metaverse. He has created the succesful Crypto Pills collection on Ethereum, and is now pioneering the emerging and exciting world of Ordinals Inscripitions on Bitcoin (also known as Bitcoin NFTs) with this collection of 2222 unique Bitcoin Pills. Micha Klein's digital art has been around for over 30 years and has stood the test of time. He has delivered huge projects for the likes of Disney and Coca-Cola and is dedicated to the digital art and NFT community.  How to mint a Bitcoin Pill? As short as two months ago minting Ordinals NFTs used to be a complicated process involving running your own Bitcoin node and manual order books and OTC trading. Our team has worked hard on creating an innovative solution to create a smooth user experience by using in-house tech to make automated inscriptions and mints possible at low cost avoiding 3rd party service fees. Buyers can simply fill in their receiving Ordinals wallet address, refund address (for when needed), and proceed to payment. They will receive a random Bitcoin Pill, that will be revealed in the gallery on our website, including it's rarity score. You might hit the bank and score a top 10% or a top 1% ! Secondary market will be supported on all major marketplaces and we are busy creating our own.
April 13, 2023 8:15 AM

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*Nothing is endorsed. Do your own research before buying any NFT. Confirm the policy ID and other data is correct before buying.